
Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Walk For a Cause

Some of us probably are not aware walking is an exercise that is beneficial to our health. It is very economical as it saves us our monies, and time, for seeing our doctors more often.

Sunshine is a good source of Vitamin D, and it is for free. It will only take few seconds to lace up your shoes and go for a walk in the morning. Rubber shoes and loose clothing are the best for long distance walking, but you could wear anything that pleases you. Just make sure you will feel comfortable.

I recall a friend telling me she does not have rubber shoes so she has to postpone her walking exercise for a while. Her chest x-ray revealed she has atheromatos aorta, but not in a very alarming state. She was advice to watch out her diet and do exercise. Atheromatous aorta means there is a plaque or fatty substance in the wall of blood vessels hindering a better blood flow. This is the cause of hypertension that could lead to heart attack if not manage well.

I told her. “ Who cares? You could wear your sleepers every morning while walking your dog around your village. Throw a sweet smile at you passing by neighbors. And I tell you, they will not even suspect you are the one benefiting from walking. Walking could likewise be done any time of the day, at your convenience. So, better take care of your dog to keep you company, in the meantime you are saving on a pair of rubber shoes. “ I chuckled somehow at the thought, if the dog food is cheaper than a pair of rubber shoes.

Walking is a powerful way, not only as a means of aerobic exercise but it clears our heads with thoughts that bothers us. These thoughts could range from simple to complex. Like how to deal with a cranky boss at the office, what present your mother in law would prefer on her birthday, financial aspects, and many more. Well, of course it does not solve the “problem” per se at that moment. But, you could figure out some ideas that can possibly solve the problem, while doing an exercise that offers you with important cardiovascular benefits. Walking rids us of tension and stress that can cause heart disease.

Walking manages your weight without exerting too much effort that can reduce or possibly eliminate the cause of type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is lack of insulin in the body which can be acquired due to obesity, high-fat diets, less active lifestyle or adult- onset diabetes. For those who are suffering from arthritis walking provides them with good mobility.

Ideally, walking for at least thirty minutes five times a week is good, for best health result. When you walk regularly, you can increase your pace and the distance as to how far you could go, as you progressed. Do not be bothered, if for the first time you feel you can not make it, it is normal. You will build your resistance soon. And, you will be in your best shape, you had least expected, ever to happen.

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