
Showing posts with label Business. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Business. Show all posts

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Busy Bee

It rained last Friday night at around seven in the evening. I guess some employees from day time work stayed late at their office for a while. It was to elude from getting wet. I went to the place I used to wait for a ride, one and a half hour earlier. It takes only fifteen minutes from same waiting area to get to the office.

Surprise! Hordes of people waiting to get a ride!!! The line was too long!

I decided not to line up with them and looked for a taxi to take me to work. Double unfortunate events, there was no taxi passing by without heads at the back or beside the driver seat. I sent text message to my team captain I will be late for my training. 1 arrived at the office an hour late. I used to stand up or asked questions to the training officer to keep myself awake. 

Cups of coffee did not work. The training concluded at seven in the morning, Saturday. We enjoyed boxes of pizza and a cake from our colleagues who celebrated their birthday during the training.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Let Them Hear You Smile

Being a customer care representative (CCR) in a Call Center, your best asset is your voice. I am not saying you need to have a well modulated voice. I agree, not all of us are gifted with a voice that could qualify for a disc jockey. In simple words, let the caller or the listener on the other end of the line feels welcome. That is by giving the best tone of your voice. Apologizing to customer for making them inconvenience only becomes meritorious if the CCR has the proper tone of the voice. The tone of the voice must suggest or gives a good impression to the listener that sincerity is well conveyed. 

Can they hear you smile?
I had written about my not so good experience with my internet provider in my earlier post. I had disconnects of service for several months at no fault of my own. I tediously waited on the long queue to get a tech support to attend to my concern.  Despite the long wait. I did not let up calling. I never changed my provider. My main reason, there is someone on the other line who is willing to listen anytime of the day I would call. The person may not be competent enough to resolve my concern at the time of my call. The sincerity of the voice of the person on the other line is enough to convince me. I will get my concern resolved soon.

Customers are calling not merely to complain but to verify if they are welcome by the company they do business with. I know how difficult it is to be the front liner of the company we are working for. Listening to the same mantra may not be very pleasant to hear. However, think about if you are the  one calling and the person on the other line sounds so unfriendly. Your possible reaction the next time you call is to sever your tie with the company. Look for another one you feel comfortable dealing with. And, you feel welcome, whenever you have concerns to be taken care of.

“Everyday can be great, because anybody can serve. You do not have to have a college degree to serve. You do not have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart and full of grace. A soul generated by love ♥ ”
Martin Luther King Jr.

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